
Past Events 2016


Marijuana Entrepreneurs MeetUp

Wednesday, March 16, 2015

Luigis Italian Restaurant
245 W. Main Avenue, Spokane WA 99201

5:00-6:30 Happy Hour (and a half) in Luigi’s Bar

Meeting 6:30 - 8pm

Meeting in Conference Room. Time for networking and learning what others are doing in the Entrepreneurial Marijuana industry.
Gordon Fagras, Trace Analytics, and Casey Connell, Contender Farms, will be speaking about pesticides and alternative pest control management systems.


Marijuana Entrepreneurs MeetUp

Wednesday, January 20, 2015

Luigis Italian Restaurant
245 W. Main Avenue, Spokane WA 99201

5:00-6:30 Happy Hour (and a half) in Luigi’s Bar

Meeting 6:30 - 8pm

Meeting in Conference Room. Time for networking and learning what others are doing in the Entrepreneurial Marijuana industry.
Hope to see you there!

 Past Events 2015


Marijuana Entrepreneurs MeetUp

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Luigis Italian Restaurant
245 W. Main Avenue, Spokane WA 99201

5:00-6:30 Happy Hour (and a half) in Luigi’s Bar

Meeting 6:30 - 8pm

Casey Connell of Contender Agriculture spoke about his Pest Control Management Ecosystem .


Marijuana Entrepreneurs MeetUp

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Luigis Italian Restaurant
245 W. Main Avenue, Spokane WA 99201

5:00-6:30 Happy Hour (and a half) in Luigi’s Bar

Meeting 6:30 - 8pm

Presentations, networking and discussions in conference room.


Health & Hemp Expo

Saturday, November 14, 2015
9am to 5pm

Trac Center, Pasco, WA

More Information


Marijuana Entrepreneurs MeetUp

Sean Green, first I-502 permitted grower/producer in WA, will be main speaker.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Luigis Italian Restaurant
245 W. Main Avenue, Spokane WA 99201

5:00-6:30 Happy Hour (and a half) in Luigi’s Bar


September 30, 2015

Eastern Washington

705 Railroad Avenue

Zillah, WA


Seminar & Mixer Sept 26th from 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Gain knowledge and insight while meeting other local business leaders in our industry. Guest speakers include a 502 P/P as well as a 502 Retailer both speaking on the unique challenges of operating a cannabis business. This discussion will give our ENTIRE cannabis community an opportunity to ask questions relevant to their businesses and discuss ideas. The medical community will also benefit greatly from this meeting as it will lend insight to the challenges that may arise after rolling into the new system. Businesses are encouraged to voice their challenges in this professional setting so that we may bridge the communication gap that is significantly hindering all of us.

For more information:


Thursday September 24, 2015

It’s that time of the year again….that time when we open up the democratic process to elect the next board of the Coalition for Cannabis Standards & Ethics (CCSE).

These positions run for a year and are considered volunteer positions (i.e. no salary is attached to the position). The board of the CCSE is expected to work hard. We meet once a week, every week, for board meetings.

It is hard work but fulfilling and fun. As a board member you help shape and craft the CCSE to serve members’ needs and concerns.

More information:



September 12, 2015

The Trac Center


First Annual
Hemp & Health Expo

“The mission of the Hemp & Health Expo is to raise awareness in our community about the benefits of herbal and holistic healing. We want to shed light on alternative medicines and the benefits they promote.

For more information contact Hemp and Health Expo.”



Wednesday September 16, 2015

Luigis Italian Restaurant
245 W. Main Avenue, Spokane WA 99201

5:00-6:30 Happy Hour (and a half) in Luigi’s Bar

Learn and grow with other Spokane, Washington marijuantrepreneurs. Free meeting.  After a month off for a busy summer and harvest time for everyone, we’re back in session for our free meetup this month. We are so excited to have a WALCB representative here to talk to everyone about some of the rules and regulations and answer your questions about the I502 licensing and implementation.

This meeting is also an official launch to SocialHigh, an app based social platform for sharing different strains of marijuana. The app went live this week in the Apple itunes store! Come see the demonstration and talk to the company’s founder, Marsh Sutherland.

Who attends? Anyone with an interest in the marijuana industry. Growers come to learn from each other and talk about issues or solutions, providers come to show you how they can help, store owners come to meet growers and learn about what is coming up for them, processors come to learn what the market is asking for and how to provide new products and ideas… sky is the limit, this is all about learning from each other.

For more information:


Trace Analytics Open House Sept. 13, 215

Trace Analytics Open House 8.13.15

Gordon Fagras, CEO Trace Analytics, Spokane, WA